Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Anawangin paradise in Zambales

I am blessed that my work sometimes allow me to travel and recently we went to Zambales to visit the beautiful beach of Anawangin. It was my third time to visit Zambales and this time its a completely different adventure, instead of hiring a van to get us there, our team decided to commute and ride a bus for a different experience.

How to get there,

We went to Victory liner Station in Pasay at around 10pm and the bus was scheduled to leave for Iba Zambales at 11:30pm. The fare to get there at that time is 272 pesos, then we asked the driver to drop us off at San Antonio Zambales . From there, we will just ride a tricycle to Pundaquit, the fair for the tricycle at that time is 40 pesos per person. From Pundaquit, there are a lot of cheap resorts that offer lower rates of cottages. We got one for 600 pesos for a day. t In order to get to Anawangin, you need to rent a boat, basically they charge 200 per person and that is a round fare trip to get you to the island and back to Pundaquit.

Our team decided to stay overnight at Anawangin for a different adventure, once you get to the place there are a lot of friendly people who can assist you if you want to stay overnight, by the way there's an entrance fee of 100 pesos and that is for the whole day, so of course, if your planning to stay there overnight you'll have to have your own tent but if you don't have one, don't worry because you can rent one for 250 pesos, in our case, my friend mitch have a spare tent and they are gracious enough to lend the other tent (thank you mitch and pong ^__^)

There are a lot of changes now in Anawangin from the last time i went there way back 2009

(Anawangin 2009 at the time there's not much cottages that you can use it was just a plane island for you to explore.)

And here is the new and improved Anawangin now..

so from the top view you'll see that now they built small cottages and fences, on the creek part of Anawangin, they are building a small bridge to help visitor to get to the other side so maybe at this time its already finish.

Here are more pictures to feast your eyes (thank you Nonoy for allowing me to use some of the wonderful picture that you have taken)

Staying overnight at the beach is really a different adventure. It is very relaxing, away from work, no traffic no stress just fun and adventure with your friends. Also Anawangin beach is a perfect place if you are into landscape photography there is a lot of spots that you can use as a subject.

So after all that fun time to go home and leave the paradise and sad to say back to reality again...

So how to get back to manila..

So from Pundaquit you need to ride a tricycle again to San Antonio (same fare) and from San Antonio you have to wait for a bus, since it will take us forever to wait for a bus going straight to Victory liner Cubao what we did is we is ride a bus to going to Victory liner Olongapo, they have a buss that will stop over to Victory liner cubao then hed straight to Pasay station, the fare is 172 pesos.

I have learn from this trip that it is much cheaper if you will commute rather that hiring a van to get you to Zambales, well of course if you will be going on a group and you think you can save more if you rent a van then you can do that, commuting is just an alternative.

I hope this article can help you in some way, if you have any question or suggestion feel free to comment below!


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